Hey gang, I figured I'd tell you a little bit about myself.
Name- David: Yeah my name is obviously David, but I prefer Dave for short.
Age- 19
Nationality- British
Personality- I'm a very calm guy, a lot of people find me very approachable, and once I get to know them a bit better I can get people to laugh pretty often. I always need to be occupied and I'm always practising craft hobbies (I'm very practical with my hands), I can hardly sit still for more then five minutes without getting up and doing something constructive, whether it's putting up a shelf or making new friends, sometimes I may come off as an asshole, but it's due to an exciteable nature,(leaping without looking).
I've been told that I am one of the most loyal friends a man or woman could ever have, But I've also been told that I am one of the worst enemies a man or woman could ever have.
Temperament- Calm most of the time, but i've been known to suddenly rise up in powerful bouts of rage and anger when provoked, that earned me the nickname "Sleeping Dragon" when I was still at school (Aw man those were great times).
Zodiac Sign, Libra- Actually it does affect my nature quite alot! The Zodiac symbols are a passion of mine, you don't need to know every detail about us Libras' but the main points of us are:
-Fair-minded, values peace, Voice of Reason.
-Rarely lazy.
-Positive and decisive in thoughts and actions.
-Strive for balance and Harmony.
Favorite Colour- Blue
Interests- Music, Art, Theatre, Film, Photography, Video games, Cider, Exercise and finally Friendship.
First visit to Newgrounds- I first came to NG back in 2001 when I followed a link to the game "Pico's School" from the FHM website's "100 greatest online games", I really should of made an account back then. But I'm still glad I clicked that link all those years ago.